Unshackling the cloud vendor lock-in !
Experience the most secure backup and archiving as a service !

Enter OneCloudStorage, SaaS based Secure Backup and Archiving Service with cross-country data governance !

Experience the world's first provider independent virtual cloud service without being a provider by itself !

Customer data never get stored in onecloudstorage(OCS), but it is stored in secretly split, mathematical pieces in different clouds, as a RAID-across-Clouds paradigm resulting in unhackable, redundant data foundation built upon multiple clouds with no cloud vendor lock-in(Protected by our granted US patent, Distributed, Virtual Storage cloud).

Full data is compressed and de-duplicated for data reduction and encrypted and erasure coded for data safety. OCS never charge anything on recovery and all the software needed for data recovery is available as open source software that every customer can own.


About us

onecloudstorage service powered by the Technology and Services collaboration and co-owned between Neridio Systems pvt.Ltd and Athinio Data Systems Private Ltd.

For enquiries, please mail to peter@neridio.com